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Proper use of clutch tetralogy
【 字体: 】 【打印此页】 来源: 日期:2015-07-14

 Clutch the proper use of the proper use of clutch tetralogy?:

(1) Do not step off without incident.
    Clutch on the car in normal traffic, is in close contact state, the clutch should not slip. The disengagement of the clutch by the clutch pedal to control. In addition to the car while driving to a date not shift and low speed brake clutch pedal needs, the other time is not right to step on the clutch pedal.
    In the road no longer means a thing or step on the clutch foot on the clutch pedal, the clutch engages often in isolated or semi-slip state to accelerate the clutch plate, pressure plate wear, so not all the engine power transfer to drive the wheels, resulting in row fare oil, car costs, increase traffic costs.
Driving in the foot on the clutch pedal for a long time, it is likely to cause slipping clutch, clutch ablation phenomenon, serious and even cause the clutch pressure plate, flywheel end surface ablation injury, clutch compression spring annealing and other failures.
In addition, some drivers have to be at the intersection ramps green movement, like the clutch semi-linkage (semi-isolated) stopped the car, then refuel through the intersection when the signal turns green and so on. This method of operation not only cause premature wear or erosion clutch plate, and with the traffic safety disadvantage. Also when the drivers have to follow the traffic congestion in the city traffic, like the clutch semi-linkage to control the speed, it will also cause early wear of the clutch plates, also detrimental to road safety.
(2) the start of proper operation.
Started when the clutch pedal is operating essentials before, "a fast, two slow, three linkage" start, the best try a foot clutch pedal, the foot feels free to experience the clutch pedal stroke, working stroke and pedal.
It started, depress the clutch completely separated; when you lift the clutch pedal, press the "a fast, two slow, three linkage" essentials operations. That process pedal raised in three stages, starting fast lift; when the clutch semi-linkage (where the engine sound changes), the pedal lift at a slower pace; the semi-linkage to the fully integrated process, the pedal slow slow lift. At the same time lift the clutch pedal, the engine of resistance gradually according to the accelerator pedal, making the car a smooth start. To smooth the proper operation of the accelerator.
(3) when the correct operation of the shift.
When the line force in the shift, manipulate and depress the clutch pedal should be quickly lifted, do not appear semi-linkage phenomenon, otherwise, will accelerate clutch wear, pay attention to the accelerator complex operation.
For the smooth-shifting, reduce the transmission shifting mechanism and clutch wear, promoting the use of "feet clutch shift method." That increase when stalls, the clutch pedal while the shift lever of a gear change to high; when downshifting, the clutch pedal while the shift lever into neutral, lift the clutch pedal again and at the same time the shift lever into neutral, lift the clutch pedal and press the appropriate vehicle speed plus foot empty oil, then the clutch pedal again, and will change to a low gear shift lever. This "clutch shifting feet Law" Although the operation is more complex, is indeed a good way to save money in your car.
(4) Proper use when braking.
Driving in the car, in addition to the low-speed (20km / h or more) require parking brake clutch pedal, the brakes are under any other circumstances do not depress the clutch pedal. Because the car in high speed brake, depress the clutch pedal on improving the car's braking capacity will not help, but also to traffic safety risk.
While in the low-speed driving in the parking brake, depress the clutch pedal sole purpose is to prevent the engine stall. In this case the correct method of operating is to depress the brake pedal, then depress the clutch pedal, making the car a smooth stop.

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