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Reading a manual transmission car

The reason: lack of lubricant bearings, or bearing damage caused by dry friction; no space between the inner end of the release bearing and release l

Automatic clutch of industry and

Since the early 1980s, due to the development of chip technology, Europe and Japan had developed an automatic clutch increased investment, to 90 year

Automobile clutch height, weight is

Owners often have to ask the question, my car clutch too low, too, do not know what is the reason? Can you adjust? How to adjust? And the answer, and

Proper use of clutch tetralogy

Clutch on the car in normal traffic, is in close contact state, the clutch should not slip. The disengagement of the clutch by the clutch pedal to con

Jiangyin yuanwang clutch co., LTD | The home of the car |

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